14 February 2025

"In mintea stramba si lucrul drept se stramba"
- parintele Arsenie BOCA

SUPREME POLITICAL DELIRIUM – The head of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, Cristina Tarcea, committed professional suicide before the Superior Magistrates’ Council, and announced her unceremonious exit from magistracy. Tarcea claims to be a victim of political sabotage: “I was forced to have a conversation in a room with the lights turned off, with my phone in a different room. It was so dark that I left with Mr. Dorneanu’s coat on… Televised justice certainly worked in my case”

Scris de: L.J. | pdf | print

25 February 2019 13:54
Vizualizari: 33294

Oh, my God!’, what an unceremonious exit from magistracy is in store for judge Cristina Tarcea (seen in photo). On Wednesday, February 13th 2019, a disciplinary hearing of the Judges’ Section was held at the Superior Magistrates’ Council, during which case no. 23/J/2018 was discussed. The case refers to the chairperson of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, Judge Cristina Tarcea, specifically to her refusal to enforce the new provisions of Law no. 304/2004 on the Panels of 5 judges. Approximately half an hour before the meeting commenced, Tarcea arrived at the Superior Magistrates’ Council with a stack of documents under her arm, which she handed out to the reporters. The documents contained Cristina Tarcea’s “point of view regarding the disciplinary action”, drafted on no less than 26 pages. Notwithstanding having handed out the papers or not, we feel it is imperative to express our deep concern regarding the statements made by the chairperson of the High Court upon entering and exiting the headquarters of the Superior Magistrates’ Council, and shed light on the deviant and contemptible behavior of Cristina Tarcea.

Tarcea, the supreme politician

Much like a politician, when entering the headquarters of the Superior Magistrates’ Council, the chairperson of the Supreme Court voiced accusations, claiming that the disciplinary action against her was of an “obvious political nature”, and had been prompted by the actions of the chairperson of the Chamber of Deputies, Liviu Dragnea. She disclosed, at the same time, details regarding a meeting she allegedly had with the chairperson of the Constitutional Court, Valer Dorneanu, regarding the Decision of the Romanian Constitutional Court on the panels of 5 judges.

Below is the statement of Cristina Tarcea upon arriving at the headquarters of the Superior Magistrates’ Council:

As of late, we seem to be talking a lot about abuse. We must look very carefully at all of the institutions which commit abuse. I consider this to be an abuse. Oh, my God, do you remember the political statements made in August and September, claiming that the High Court refused to uphold the law? Do you remember the vested interest of the chairperson of the Chamber of Deputies regarding the panels consisting of 5 judges? I have interesting statements to make regarding a conversation I had with the chairperson of the Constitutional Court with respect to the decision to ascertain the constitutionality conflict, about a conversation with Mr. Ciorbea… But all in due time.” (she added, in an effort to enhance the secrecy and suspense surrounding the matter).

The statements made by Cristina Tarcea upon arriving at the headquarters of the Superior Magistrates’ Council are elaborated, however, in the point of view which she submitted to the aforementioned institution. More specifically, within the 26 pages, the chairperson of the High Court of Cassation and Justice claimed that the disciplinary action against her was conducted and was approved by chief inspector Lucian Netejoru, at a time when the terms in office of the management of the Judiciary Inspection division had already expired. Without any connection to the case, Tarcea considered it necessary to include, in the point of view submitted to the Superior Magistrates’ Council, the manner in which the terms in office of the management of the Judiciary Inspection division had been extended, concluding that the purpose of the disciplinary proceedings was to defame and to ‘silence her’.

The point of view did not leave out Minister of Justice Tudorel Toader either, whom, she argued, had demanded her resignation on Facebook immediately after the New Year, which determined the chairperson of the High Court to conclude that it was part of a concerted action against her.

A spectacle during the hearing and in the hallway of the Superior Magistrates’ Council, upon her exit

Once inside the disciplinary hearing of the Judges’ Section, judge Cristina Tarcea continued to voice her concerns that what was happening in her case was a premeditated action. Consequently, she presented a number of petitions for the recusal of several members of the Superior Magistrates’ Council, ‘for reasons of hostility’.

Specifically, the members of the Superior Magistrates’ Council (CSM) whom Tarcea petitioned to recuse were: CSM chairperson, Judge Lia Savonea and CSM members, Judges Gabriela Baltag, Evelina Oprina and Nicoleta Tint. In other words, the exact judges who, over time, have displayed impartiality and have fought to defend the principles of Law. Naturally, in Tarcea’s opinion, the attitude of these CSM members was deemed ‘hostile’, all the more so since they backed the management of the Judiciary Inspection to remain in office, thus preventing the institution from being poached by individuals close to the Deep State.

The hearing of the Judges’ Section, on disciplinary matters, did not take long. Upon exiting the hearing, in the hallway of the Council, Cristina Tarcea announced that she had recused several members of the CSM, and continued her little story regarding the meeting she had with Valer Dorneanu, the chairperson of the Romanian Constitutional Court.

Without further ado, we present below the statement made by Cristina Tarcea as the left the CSM headquarters:

„I formulated petitions for recusal, and a term was given for my petition, specifically March 23rd. The petitions were formulated against Mrs. Savonea, Baltag, Oprina and Tint, for reasons of hostility against the chairperson of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, for reasons of unconditional support for the management of the Judicial Inspection body. Their attitude led to maintaining the management of the Inspection body in office. The judges ruled on the panels of 5 judges, following the decision of the Constitutional Court.

I discussed the Panels of 5 judges with Mr. Dorneanu. The only thing I can tell you is that I was forced to have a conversation in a room with the lights turned off, and my phone in a different room. It was so dark that I left with Mr. Dorneanu’s coat on. He wanted a justification, from me, of the Decision rendered on the Panels of 5 judges. Believe me, I will tell you everything I know”.

Moving past the secretive, occult manner in which Tarcea announced further exposés and the style in which she presented alleged events from what seems to be a mafia-related scenario, we can’t help but wonder why the chairperson of the High Court has remained silent until now, if she considered these deeds to be severe and, more importantly, if announcing the disclosure of new information, in episodes, has become a trend, topping even Sebastian Ghita?

Is this the customary behavior of a magistrate?

* Read here the Romanian version of this article


# UE date 25 February 2019 17:39 +2

Even the picture figures out that she's the mother of Slujirea, is viceversa, opposite... Slujirea is the mother of Muma Padurii, Matahala, aka Kovesi give birth to this cotoaroanta1 and cotoroanta2, Stanciu L... This 3 whiches played our destiny over 15 years... We were in prisons, murdered, giving each other, denouncing for life, we lied and invent everything possible to save our life and families.. What the prosecutor needed we wroted down.. Imagine why... Because Kovesi, the Mother, and older girls (sic!) wanted so.. This is our justice. Please take it to your countries as well, you are more than welcome!!!

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:D :lol: :-) ;-) 8) :-| :-* :oops: :sad: :cry: :o :-? :-x :eek: :zzz :P :roll: :sigh:


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